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Welcome to our website. We hope you find everything you need. Please do not hesitate to contact school on 01566782262 if require any further information
Lewannick Primary School
'Be the best you'.

Teaching and learning of writing using Literacy Tree

Literacy Tree is a complete, book-based platform for primary schools that covers all requirements of the Primary English curriculum. At Lewannick we use it as a complete scheme of work.

The books that are chosen help children to grow ideas and expand their minds. Literacy Tree only choose significant and important children's literature to create the book-based resources.

It starts at the roots. Literacy Tree provide book-based planning sequences, Writing Roots, which embed complete curriculum coverage and engage children to write with clear audience and purpose. The 'Teach Through a Text' pedagogy is the backbone of each sequence.

Linked to the Writing Roots are the Literary Leaves that we use to teach whole class guided reading from Year 3-6 and for children in Year 2 once they have completed Read Write Inc. These provide a range of sequenced activities that take children through whole books to teach reading comprehension and create critical readers. Literary Leaves use novels, poetry collections and high-quality, non-fiction books that connect to the Writing Roots through Literary Themes.

Year 1 and 2 ( Owl Class) Writing overview 2024-25
Year 3 and 4 (Otter Class) Reading and Writing overview 2024-25
Year 5 and 6 (Kestrel Class) Reading and Writing overview 2024-25
Literacy Tree English Policy Statement
Telling the Story, English subject report 2024