Welcome to our website. We hope you find everything you need. Please do not hesitate to contact school on 01566782262 if require any further information
Welcome to our website. We hope you find everything you need. Please do not hesitate to contact school on 01566782262 if require any further information
Lewannick Primary School
'Be the best you'.


Welcome to our Pre-School

For enquiries please email lewannick@andaras.org or Scook@andaras.org or contact the school office on 01566 782262

We know that starting Pre-School can be both an exciting and daunting time for children and parents alike.  And, we know that an unhappy child cannot play or learn effectively. Therefore, our Staff always do their very best to work together with Parents/Carers to help a child feel confident and secure in their new environment and with this new group of people. This settling-in period can take longer for some children than others and so we encourage parents/carers not to worry if their child seems unsure at first. Parents/Carers are welcome to stay until they think their child feels secure and is ready to be left to enjoy the session. We offer a free settling in session for children to explore our setting, where parents are welcome to stay and ask questions, meet the team and interact with the wonderful children at Lewannick.

Please download our Welcome to EYFS – Booklet below for information on what we do, what to bring and what to expect from us all here at Lewannick.

We accept 2 year funded and non funded children and 3 & 4 year funded (15 & 30 hours) and non funded children.

To see if you qualify for 2 year funding, please click here 

For information regarding help with your childcare costs please click here