Children learn the routines and behaviours necessary for each activity, and practise these until they use them automatically. This allows them to focus on what matters most – learning to spell.
It makes sense of the most complex alphabetic code in the world, with its 150 spellings of 44 speech sounds.
The spelling programme:
- builds upon teaching strategies and spelling activities from Read Write Inc. Phonics.
- is organised in daily, 15-minute well-paced lessons
- provides plenty of writing practice, with a clear record of children’s progress
The programme also makes learning to spell enjoyable for children. Aliens from a spelling planet (via OUP online subscription) introduce spelling rules and concepts.
The programme’s core activities teach:
- alternative spellings of vowels
- alternative spellings of consonants
- homophones
- the impact of adding prefixes and suffixes to root words
- how to spell plural nouns
- ‘silent’ letters
- unusual letter strings
- word families.
It includes all the spelling requirements of the English National Curriculum Years 2 to 6, and also revises spelling taught in Year 1.