Welcome to our website. We hope you find everything you need. Please do not hesitate to contact school on 01566782262 if require any further information
Welcome to our website. We hope you find everything you need. Please do not hesitate to contact school on 01566782262 if require any further information
Lewannick Primary School
'Be the best you'.



At Lewannick CP School we take safeguarding and child protection very seriously.

This webpage contains key policies and procedures.

If a member of staff or volunteer wishes to raise a child protection concern, related to a child or adult working in the school, they do this in writing, through Mrs Cook (Designated Safeguarding Lead – DSL), Mr Masters (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead – DDSL).

If the concern is regarding the Head of School then Mrs Joan Heaton, Chair of Governors will be notified.

If a disclosure or concern is raised, the DSL will telephone the referral to the MARU (Multi-Agency Referral Unit) without delay.

The decision to notify parents that a referral is being made will depend on the details of individual cases and on the basis of what is in the best interests of the child.

Once a referral is received by the MARU, a manager will decide within one working day on the best course of action.

After this, within 45 days, an initial assessment will take place which could lead to a strategy discussion. This will only take place if there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm.

Should you have any questions or queries related to safeguarding and child protection, please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Cook, Mr Masters or Mr Paul Dickens (Safeguarding Governor).

For your information, all staff receive regular child protection/safeguarding training, and all staff and volunteers are made aware of the school’s policies and procedures during their induction process.


Mr Paul Dickens Safeguarding Governor
Mrs Maura Furber Executive Head Teacher (DSL) mfurber@andaras.org
Mrs Sally Cook Class Teacher/Head of School( DSL) scook@andaras.org
Mr Jacob Masters Class Teacher (Deputy DSL) jmasters@andrars.org

Safeguarding Policy

Lewannick Safeguarding Policy 2024-25