Welcome to our website. We hope you find everything you need. Please do not hesitate to contact school on 01566782262 if require any further information
Welcome to our website. We hope you find everything you need. Please do not hesitate to contact school on 01566782262 if require any further information
Lewannick Primary School
'Be the best you'.

School Dinners and Healthy Eating

School meals are prepared and cooked on the premises and are available every day.  Should your child have specific dietary needs, please contact our Cook.

The cost of a meal is free for years R, 1 and 2, and is £2.34 a day / £9.36 a week (5 for the price of 4 meals if all taken in a given week) for pre-school and years 3 – 6.

To view the current lunch menus, please click the link below:

Dinner Money

Payments should be made in advance, online via the School Gateway App or website.  Details on how to use School Gateway is available on the ‘Letters’ page of the website or contact the office should you experience any problems doing so.

Free School Meals

If your child may be entitled to Free School Meals please click on the link below.  Forms should be sent direct to the Free Schools Team at Cornwall Council.

Healthy Eating

Here is some useful information about producing healthy lunchboxes:

Here is a copy of the ‘Eat Well Plate’, which describes the main food groups, and how you can achieve a healthy balance of these in lunchboxes: